Tuesday 2 March 2010

Guidelines for The London BDSM/SPANKING Meet


1. It matters not if you rate yourself the best Dom male, Mistress, King or Queen of the scene or chat room. Do not use this event to make yourself look better at other peoples expenses especially the organisers.
2. No lured acts are to be committed what so ever.
3. Although this meet is not a play party a blind eye will be turned to minor play. “Act responsibly” Do not try and push people into playing with you.
4. Do not bring high impact implements with you such as whips etc, there
5. Please bear in mind that if things do go wrong it is us the organisers and venue that are liable to get in serious trouble, not you the punters. I will add we have this venue on trust and the organisers do not intend to abuse this trust in anyway whatsoever.
6. If you do have any complaints during the event please tell the organisers there and then. It is no good telling us three days after the event.
7. If you are what is known as a brat “Do not over brat so as to become irritating”. This include bringing things like water pistols food to chuck around or trying to smash the place up. Remember you do not have to clear the mess up after the event.
8. These rules are for your own well being and safety so that everyone has a pleasant afternoon. If you disagree with them please don’t show up.

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